The Pros and Cons of Private Marquee Wedding

As a wedding photographer in Suffolk, I have navigated the journey of marquee weddings through its considerable ups and downs.

Looking back on it all, these styles of weddings are like a delightful mix of magic and mayhem! They are all about adding that special touch to your wedding day, but boy, do they come with their fair share of twists and turns.

So, let’s dive in! From the enchanting moments to the nitty-gritty of managing finances and logistics, I will tell you the pros and cons of private marquee weddings.

The inside reception styling at a private marquee wedding

Private Marquee Weddings

  • The Joy of Private Marquee Weddings
  • Flexibility in Supplier Selection and Catering
  • The Financial Investment
  • Weather Dependence
  • Logistics of Building a Venue from Scratch
  • The Unique and Unforgettable Atmosphere
  • The Charm of Private Marquee Weddings

The Joy of Private Marquee Weddings

Envisioning the moment you exchange vows, not in a conventional venue, but under a beautifully adorned canopy with nature as your backdrop – it’s nothing short of enchanting. 

This kind of wedding allows you to personalise it to your vision and gives you full exclusivity. The joy of transforming an open space, perhaps a family garden, a secluded beachfront or even at a marquee wedding venue, into a space that mirrors your love story is unbeatable.

Each detail, from the fairy lights to the arrangement of the floral centrepieces, is a testament to your wedding day vision and personality.

The beauty of opting for a private marquee wedding is how it seamlessly integrates with the surrounding environment. Whether it is the gentle rustle of leaves in a woodland setting or the relaxing sound of waves on a beach, nature plays a significant role in enhancing the atmosphere.

This synergy between elegance and the natural world offers a sense of peace and intimacy that is hard to replicate in more traditional settings.

Flexibility in Supplier Selection and Catering

One of the true joys of organising a private marquee wedding is the freedom it affords in selecting suppliers and catering options.

Unlike more traditional venues, which often come with a fixed list of suppliers, a marquee event puts you in the driving seat. This makes your wedding planning journey so much more enjoyable!

Being able to handpick each supplier, ensuring they align with both your vision and budget. 

Drinks on the lawn outside at a private marquee wedding

This personal selection process is not only limited to the florists or the band but extends to the very essence of the celebration – the food. The catering at a private marquee wedding can be as unique as you wish.

If you are a food enthusiast then your wedding meal can reflect your love for diverse cuisines. Explore and choose a caterer who can offer a bespoke menu, incorporating flavours from your favourite dishes.

The result?

A culinary experience that is distinctly ‘you’, ranging from tasty canapes to hearty, gourmet main courses, all the way to a late-night snack bar that surprises and delights your guests.

This level of flexibility also encourages creativity. You may find yourself engaging in delightful conversations with suppliers, brainstorming ideas that would bring your dream wedding to life. This collaborative approach not only ensures that every aspect of your wedding is infused with personal touches but also creates a sense of partnership.

Navigating the range of options, liaising with different suppliers, and tailoring the catering to your tastes, ultimately makes your wedding day personal and satisfying to plan!

The Financial Investment

When planning your private marquee wedding, you must look at the financial investment involved.

This aspect of your wedding planning journey presents the most significant learning curve. While the allure of a personalised and exclusive event under a beautifully adorned marquee is undeniable, the associated cost of a marquee wedding can be somewhat eye-watering.

It’s a common misconception that choosing a marquee over a traditional venue might be a cost-effective alternative. However, the truth is, every little detail – from the wedding marquee hire itself to the furniture, the enchanting lighting, and even the practical necessities like generators and posh portable loos – comes with its own price tag.

There is no built-in infrastructure in a blank canvas venue, which means nearly everything has to be brought in. This not only includes the more obvious elements like tables and chairs but also extends to the behind-the-scenes essentials that ensure the day runs smoothly. 

Navigating this means carefully budgeting and planning, requiring a detailed breakdown of every expected (and unexpected) expense.

This aspect of planning a private marquee wedding, while allowing for a highly tailored experience, necessities a careful, considered approach to budgeting.

It underscores the importance of striking a balance between the dream and the reality, ensuring that the vision for your day doesn’t compromise your financial well-being.

Weather Dependence

If there is one thing you can’t control on your wedding day, it’s the weather.

This part of planning may feel like rolling a dice, hoping for favourable conditions but knowing full well that anything from a light mist to a full-on tempest could occur. 

The unpredictability can add a thrill to the preparations, but it also requires you to be adaptable and inventive. Have contingency plans in place, from arranging additional marquee walls to hiring industrial heaters, ensuring comfort for your guests no matter the forecast.

Having a Plan B (and even a Plan C) is a great idea, leading you to think creatively about every aspect of your day. From selecting a private marquee wedding provider who could swiftly adjust to weather changes, to choosing decor that wouldn’t wilt at the first sign of damp, every decision made should have the British weather in mind. 

Logistics of Building a Venue from Scratch

The logistics involved in transforming an empty canvas into a mesmerising venue are both intricate and extensive.

It demands a well-thought-out strategy, a keen eye for detail, and a sense of purpose. 

One of the first tasks is ensuring the availability of power and adequate lighting, which is fundamental to setting the right vibe and ensuring the comfort of your guests as the evening draws in at your private marquee wedding.

This should be followed closely by waste management solutions, which, although not the most glamorous aspect, is crucial to maintaining the pristine nature of your chosen marquee wedding location. 

Accessibility and parking are other key considerations, requiring you to think creatively about how to best utilise the space available without disrupting the natural beauty of the setting.

Coordinating the arrival and setup of each element brings its own set of challenges. From the marquee itself to the furnishings and the myriad of suppliers arriving at different times, maintaining a clear line of communication is vital.

This not only ensures that everything is assembled correctly but also that the overall vision for the day is realised without a hitch.

Personalised wedding sign with the couples initials at a private marquee wedding

The Unique and Unforgettable Atmosphere

Creating the atmosphere for a private marquee wedding is, without a doubt, one of the most exhilarating aspects of the entire planning process.

The thought of every element, from the lighting casting a soft glow over the space to the carefully chosen music serenading you and your guests into the evening, is a reflection of your personalities and your journey together is incredibly fulfilling.

This bespoke setting is not just about aesthetics; it is about crafting an environment where every laugh, every dance move, and every shared glance feels magnified. 

The joy of witnessing your vision come to life, of seeing the delighted expressions as friends and family explore the wonderland you had envisioned, is such a lovely experience. 

The peace of nature, combined with the personal touches sprinkled throughout your private marquee wedding, fosters a warm, convivial atmosphere that invites everyone to connect on a deeper level.

Guests enjoying the evening festivities at a private marquee wedding

Will You Be Opting for a Marquee Wedding?

Now you know the pros and cons of private marquee weddings you can decide whether this style of wedding suits your wedding day vision.

As a documentary wedding photographer there is nothing I love more than couples creating the day that suits their vision, needs, style and personality. I capture the true nature of a couples love story. So, get in touch with me to discuss your photography! 


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