My Top Prep Tips for Your Wedding Morning

As a Suffolk wedding photographer, I am relaxed and always accommodating to the couples I work with. I understand the importance of ensuring that your wedding day is truly yours!

I believe in giving guidance rather than strict instructions, particularly when it comes to the morning of a wedding! This time of the day is the start of an emotional journey so you want your wedding day schedule to be as positive and enjoyable as possible.

In this blog post, I will share my top prep tips for your wedding morning to ensure that you feel at ease and able to enjoy every moment.

wedding morning rituals norfolk wedding

Prepping For Your Wedding Morning

  • Start Your Day with a Calming Ritual
  • Create a Comfortable Getting Ready Environment
  • Keep Your Circle Positive and Supportive
  • Allocate Ample Time for Each Activity
  • Embrace the Unplanned Moments
  • Trust Your Wedding Photographer

Start Your Day with a Calming Ritual

Kicking off your wedding morning on a relaxed note can be the secret ingredient to a day filled with joy and laughter!

Imagine beginning this chapter of your life grounded and at peace – it is more than possible, it is a choice you can make. Why not introduce a soothing ritual into your morning routine? It doesn’t have to be elaborate; simplicity often holds the most charm. 

Whether it is savouring a quiet cuppa in solitude, indulging in a few minutes of meditation, or gently stretching your limbs in the fresh morning air, these acts of self-care can impact your state of mind. Do whatever makes you feel good!

A small investment in your well-being sets a relaxing tone for the day ahead, ensuring you are not just physically prepared, but emotionally centred and ready to embrace the day’s exciting celebrations.

It’s about carving out a moment in the whirlwind of excitement to reconnect with yourself, reminding you of the joy, love and of course, chaos that the day represents!

Imagine this – as the world still slumbers, you are there, in your special corner, gathering your thoughts, filling your heart with peace and your mind with clarity. It is about allowing yourself to be fully present and relish every moment of your day.

So, I encourage you, amidst the delightful chaos that a wedding morning can bring, to find your calm.

bride getting ready morning of wedding

Create a Comfortable Getting Ready Environment

Creating an atmosphere that resonates with calm and comfort as you get ready on your wedding morning can significantly influence the day’s mood.

The right setting not only ensures physical comfort but also plays a role in keeping your spirits high and a stress-free wedding morning. Consider choosing a space that is not only spacious and airy but also basks in the glow of natural light. 

This will naturally enhance the beauty of your preparations and uplift your mood – which is exactly how you want to start your day off!

Introducing elements into your wedding day plan that speak to your senses can further transform the space into a haven of peace. Think of playing a playlist of your favourite tunes, or perhaps lighting your favourite scented candles that add a warm glow and a soothing aroma to the space!

Don’t underestimate the effect of little touches like a bouquet of your favourite flowers or some fun photos that evoke happy memories with your favourite people, setting a deeply personal and comforting backdrop to the start of your day!

Comfort also means having everything you need within reach, ensuring a seamless flow to the wedding morning’s proceedings. From having refreshments on hand to keep everyone hydrated and energised, to ensuring that your outfits and accessories are well-organised and accessible – these small yet significant details contribute to a relaxed start.

Remember, this part of your day is not just about physical preparation but also about setting a tone of calm and happiness that you will carry with you.

bridal gown and bridesmaid dresses

Keep Your Circle Positive and Supportive

On your wedding morning, the energy that surrounds you is as important as the dress you wear or the vows you will say!

This is why it is crucial to be selective about whom you share these hours with. 

Choose those people who bring out the best in you – those who can turn any nervous flutter into a burst of laughter, and who can remind you of the strength within you when you most need to hear it.

It is not about the number of people present but the quality of companionship they offer. Your bridal party, family members, or friends should be a source of comfort and joy, not added stress or tension!

Consider communicating your needs and wishes to your loved ones in advance.

This isn’t about setting strict rules but about fostering an understanding of the kind of support you value. Whether it is words of encouragement, space to breathe, or just their presence, let them know how they can best contribute to making your wedding morning as smooth and joyful as possible.

Transparency is key; if there are specific tasks or roles you would like them to take on, share these openly. This not only helps in managing the flow of the morning but also in ensuring that everyone feels involved in a meaningful way.

Curating a positive and supportive circle on your wedding morning is about cherishing those who cherish you. It is about allowing the warmth of their love to fill you with peace and happiness, setting a beautiful tone for the day ahead!

The bride during her wedding morning

Allocate Ample Time for Each Activity

In the whirl of excitement that is your wedding morning, allowing yourself a generous day of wedding timeline for each activity can be a true game-changer!

It is not just about scheduling; it is about granting yourself the luxury of time to savour every moment, without the niggling pressure of the clock.

Consider planning plenty of time for your hair and makeup, dressing up, and even those precious moments set aside for photos, creating a buffer – a little breathing room for when life decides to sprinkle a bit of unpredictability into your day – it happens!!

Unexpected hiccups? They are part of the journey, and with a well-thought-out timeline, they become mere blips rather than sources of stress. Imagine having the space to laugh off a minor makeup mishap or to find a moment of peace before stepping into your dress. 

This is about embracing a mindset that values presence over perfection!

Moreover, this approach extends beyond you. It ensures that those involved in your preparations are also engaging in a relaxed and joy-filled environment.

They are part of your story, after all. By allocating plenty of time for each activity, you are creating an experience – one that allows everyone the freedom to be fully immersed in the celebration.

So, breathe easy and allow time to be on your side during your wedding morning and during the rest of your wedding day.

bridesmaids bride wedding morning

Embrace the Unplanned Moments

In the beautifully unpredictable journey of your wedding morning, it’s the spontaneous moments that often bloom into the most cherished memories.

These are the instances that can’t be scripted or scheduled, yet they capture the essence of your unique story with authenticity.

It is the laughter shared over a spilt drop of champagne, the tear that escapes as you read a note from your partner, or the way the morning light dances across your gown.

As your documentary wedding photographer, I am there to celebrate these moments with you, capturing them with a gentle, observant eye.

Remember, perfection lies in the imperfections of life!

These unplanned occurrences are the highlights of your day, showcasing genuine emotion and unscripted moments of joy.

So, out of all the wedding day tips I encourage you to let go of the reins a little! Trust in the flow of the day and in the knowledge that it is these unanticipated moments that often lead to the most memorable photographs.

As we navigate your wedding morning together, let’s welcome the unexpected and exciting moments with open arms, allowing your love story to unfold in its most natural, beautiful form.

bridesmaids laughing wedding morning

Trust Your Wedding Photographer

As you step into your wedding morning, remember that trust in your photographer can turn these hours into a seamless storybook of genuine moments and memories.

As someone who values the laid-back and natural flow of your day, I am here to provide guidance, not to dictate. 

My approach is to observe and capture the natural flow and emotions of your celebration.

I understand the importance of feeling at ease, especially during such personal and intimate moments. Rest assured, my role is to document your day as it naturally unfolds, ensuring that the photographs reflect the true joy and candid moments of your wedding.

By placing your trust in me, you allow yourselves the freedom to be fully present in each moment, confident in the knowledge that I am capturing every little and big moment with care and discretion.

Think of me not just as your photographer, but as a friend who is there to support and celebrate with you, capturing your forever memories.

Together, we can make your wedding morning one filled with ease, joy, and unforgettable memories!

dad reveal wedding morning

Closing Your Wedding Morning Journey

Now you know my top prep tips for your wedding morning — embracing calming rituals to creating a comfortable environment, from surrounding yourself with positivity to allowing time for the unplanned — every choice you make contributes to the story of your wedding morning!

And through it all, as your wedding photographer, I am ready to capture the beauty, authenticity, and love instilled in every moment.

Don’t forget to enquire about your Suffolk wedding photography!

Get in touch with me — I would love to hear about your love story, wedding plans and of course, talk about your photography for the day. 


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